Monday, October 26, 2009

Here I go again...

How many times have I started a diet? Well, I honestly lost count a long time ago. But, I have decided 3 things this time that I hope will help me reach my goal:
1. I will not start on a Monday.
2. I will not tell everyone I work with that I going to lose weight.
3. I will do this, not for everyone else, but for I can be happy with me!

A little about me... I'm 26 and a mother of two awesome kids. I have always struggled with my weight but was mostly able to keep it pretty close to where I wanted it to be, until I had babies. Then everything changed. The fat didn't disappear after having them! And, not just that, but that it sneaked its way into the most disgusting places. No, I couldn't be one of those women who were chunky but cute, I was the girl with the cute face but don't look down. Now, I have 2 wonderful tummy rolls and my belly button was so ashamed that it decided to hide right in between them, so sometimes I forget I even have one. Everything and I mean everything giggles when I walk. My thighs touch. Once I went and got one of those spray on tans, and I'm standing there in front of this beautiful, super tan, super skinny girl in only a thong. And, she keeps telling me to spread my legs so she can spray in between and I thought by the time she could get to it, I might as well as have been doing a embarrassing. Oh, there I go rambling...where was I? Oh, and I have back fat! Really?!?!? Back fat?!?!?! Ugh!

So, I have gone through stages of I'm going to workout and eat right, slim fast diet, water diet, no carbs, the I don't care anymore, so I'm going to eat whatever the hell I want diet, to going to a doctor and getting a prescription weight loss pill that only worked for 2 months and screwed up my blood pressure to this day and I still have awful headaches from, back to the I don't care one. Now, I really have to do something! And, I have to do it the right way, weather it's easy or hard. I can't let myself stop just because I have a bad day or even week. I want to feel good naked, I want to enjoy having people look at me, I want to go shopping and feel good afterwards. I want to love me!

Now, I've never been super skinny even when I was a teenager, but I was happy with the way I looked then and I don't want to be some paper thin woman. I want curves! As of today I am 5'll and weigh 238lbs. I want to be back to 175lbs, so if I have done my math right...I have 63 lbs to lose! OMG!!!! That's like caring both of my children around!!! So, tomorrow morning my journey begins and this time there will be no failing, there may be a slip or two or seven but I will do this! Please wish me luck and feel free to give me advice and encouragement along the way. Shut up fat girl, cause the hot one wants out!!!!!!

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