Wednesday, December 9, 2009

No I didn't die...yet!

Okay, so it's been forever...I left you out of the whole journey of the beginning.....but let me tell will thank me because I have been a bitch!
I will catch you up and try to leave my bitchiness out....the 1st week SUCKED! And, when I say sucked, I mean I wanted to rip every ones heads off and spit down there jagged, bleeding, dismembered necks! See I told you I was a bitch.

The beginning...
Between the lack of sugar, carbs, caffeine, and cravings it was miserable. But, I stuck with it, eating salads with chicken, cheese, tuna, cheese, turkey, cheese, ham, cheese, sausage, cheese, bacon, cheese. You get the point. I haven't really changed up my diet much more from the beginning. I do eat lots of green peppers, onions, mushrooms (till my boyfriend almost killed me...I'll explain later), green beans, and did I say cheese?!? The routine is getting well...very routine and boring, but the results are wonderful!

As of this morning I have shued away 25 nasty, jiggly pounds. Yes 25 lbs!!!! OMG! At first the scale was dropping but I didn't really feel a change but my ah ha moment happened this Monday. My company Christmas party is this Saturday and I need a nice blouse to wear. And, as all you fat girls know, shopping can be the most depressing, pain inducing, activity known. But I made myself go to the mall during my lunch break see what I could shove myself into.

I walked into the store and everything seemed too casual for our party, but as I moved more to the back I found one little rack of big girl dressy clothes. At this unnamed store, they are trying to be clever or boost self esteem or boost their sales, but they changed the way things are normally sized. What would be a 14 is now a 0 , 16 is a 1, 18 is a 2, etc. Now, 2 months ago I was a size 2 i.e. a 18, but the only shirt I liked was a 0. So, I figured I might as well make myself feel worse and just see if I could even squeeze my left arm into this thing. I get in the changing room and the shirt just slides on, but then I realized it had to zip close. I shook my head, took a deep breath, and tried to zip it. I exhaled and to my complete amazement realized it fit and not only did it fit but it looked pretty damn good. I twirled in front of the mirror and liked or at least didn't hate what I saw. I was 2 yes 2 sizes smaller. I might have said "YES" out loud rather loud and did a little Evan Almighty dance in the dressing room. Then I heard a voice asking me if I was ok and I realized the shop girl must had seen my shadow and was wondering what the hell I was doing. I quickly gave a "yeah", changed and paid for my smaller shirt with a huge grin on my face. That was an awesome moment....I haven't felt that happy for myself in a long long time! YIPPEE!!!!

By the way I think the whole changing the sizing chart is I'm a 0 or a 4 I'm still fat!

Craving and Cheating....yes I caved a few times, but I have really surprised myself, that I still got back on the wagon so to speak. Let's see....I have craved to stick my face in a whole chocolate cake and eat the whole thing, tubs of ice cream, potatoes...mashed, boiled, baked, fried, smothered, covered, capped, (I'm starting to sound like Waffle House) raw. But, those things I did not eat...what I did cheat on were chips and salsa, a mixed fruity drink, and a cheese burger from McDonald's. I failed but I tried again and it seems to be going in a good direction.

The Gym...
I didn't start the gym that first week, like I thought I would. It wasn't even the second or third. But, I have started going twice a week for about 30 minutes. I am going to try to start going at least 3 times a week for an hour next week....but we will see. (My legs are SORE!)

My honey trying to kill me...
My honey is the best honey in the world and has put up with my mood swings, cravings, emotional melt downs, tantrums, and he has made me more omelets an any man should ever have too. Normally we make them with team effort. I wash, chop, and grate all the veggies and of course CHEESE and he cooks and serves. But this past Sunday he was being super duper sweet and did all of it all by himself. Then 3 hours after I ate this yummy plate full a perfectly cooked eggs and veggies and smooth super awesome cheese I was hugging the cold toilet and praying to the porcelain gods. After I vomited my lovely breakfast and my honey went and got me a ginger ale I felt much better and just assumed it was a stomach bug. But then last night I had, had a awful day and my great honey made me another scrumptious omelet all by himself again when I got home from the gym. Then at 5:38 this morning as he was kissing me bye, and the feeling of good ole nausea floated through my whole came to me. He didn't wash the mushrooms!!! And, the only comment he has is, "Yeah, I thought of that as I was cutting them last night." That's it! Really?!? So, off to vomit I went. Now, I feel much better and he will not be cutting any veggies for me anytime soon. Love you honey!

Wish me luck or just hope I don't die from food poisoning. Ha! Shut up fat girl! :P

Monday, October 26, 2009

Can't sleep and need to stop thinking!

Okay, now I'm obsessive. I have goggled everything from diets to becoming a vegan to 12 step programs for over eaters. I have to stop myself!

I have decided that the only way to do this, is do it the right way! I am going with a low carb diet. I have done the research and I think it's best for me. I have high blood pressure, I carry most of my weight in the middle, I have family history of diabetes, my BMI is greater than 25 and I've wondered for awhile now if I may even be insulin resistance. Please meat, eggs and cheese are my fav. The bread and diet dr. peppers and sugar from some fruits is going to be hard to give up. But everything I've read says if I can make it through the 1st week then I should be okay for awhile.

I'm also going to go to the gym, at lunch during the work week and try to do some type of exercise on Saturdays.

I can do this! I can do this! I can do this!

Here I go again...

How many times have I started a diet? Well, I honestly lost count a long time ago. But, I have decided 3 things this time that I hope will help me reach my goal:
1. I will not start on a Monday.
2. I will not tell everyone I work with that I going to lose weight.
3. I will do this, not for everyone else, but for I can be happy with me!

A little about me... I'm 26 and a mother of two awesome kids. I have always struggled with my weight but was mostly able to keep it pretty close to where I wanted it to be, until I had babies. Then everything changed. The fat didn't disappear after having them! And, not just that, but that it sneaked its way into the most disgusting places. No, I couldn't be one of those women who were chunky but cute, I was the girl with the cute face but don't look down. Now, I have 2 wonderful tummy rolls and my belly button was so ashamed that it decided to hide right in between them, so sometimes I forget I even have one. Everything and I mean everything giggles when I walk. My thighs touch. Once I went and got one of those spray on tans, and I'm standing there in front of this beautiful, super tan, super skinny girl in only a thong. And, she keeps telling me to spread my legs so she can spray in between and I thought by the time she could get to it, I might as well as have been doing a embarrassing. Oh, there I go rambling...where was I? Oh, and I have back fat! Really?!?!? Back fat?!?!?! Ugh!

So, I have gone through stages of I'm going to workout and eat right, slim fast diet, water diet, no carbs, the I don't care anymore, so I'm going to eat whatever the hell I want diet, to going to a doctor and getting a prescription weight loss pill that only worked for 2 months and screwed up my blood pressure to this day and I still have awful headaches from, back to the I don't care one. Now, I really have to do something! And, I have to do it the right way, weather it's easy or hard. I can't let myself stop just because I have a bad day or even week. I want to feel good naked, I want to enjoy having people look at me, I want to go shopping and feel good afterwards. I want to love me!

Now, I've never been super skinny even when I was a teenager, but I was happy with the way I looked then and I don't want to be some paper thin woman. I want curves! As of today I am 5'll and weigh 238lbs. I want to be back to 175lbs, so if I have done my math right...I have 63 lbs to lose! OMG!!!! That's like caring both of my children around!!! So, tomorrow morning my journey begins and this time there will be no failing, there may be a slip or two or seven but I will do this! Please wish me luck and feel free to give me advice and encouragement along the way. Shut up fat girl, cause the hot one wants out!!!!!!